Would not let me open and read eprom and flash. He got one time a purple demo unit to get him by with everything loaded on it, with a few never seen sold and on vw the cs was not crypted. The originals break just as easy as clones, friend of mine burned up 3 real ad's untill he realized just removing VW after market radio's, you have to cut the cables to radio adaptor or it burns up the k line. I have original just pull out when others will not.

I do not condone running all clones like summ people do. Just all the chrysler software from AD upto fobic A (what the last v 7.XX) would cost over 3 grand all by its self. It is set up as a non token machine so you do not need 10 digit key, when the mvp clone needs the code. The spanish clone t300 can read type 2 2001/2002 upto can. Noticed that dealers outside the US can get skims for cars older than the us dealers can. Think I said about 5 times already skim with 24c02 need read paul_12345 made soft for it and 04 mini vans (thanks again man, easier than figuring from a list manually and I can not for the world get VB to do eeproms right (had better luck on linux ised code from someone else and modded it,code is open to public free as long as you give credit).