Worship and praise songs with lyricsO magnify the LordFor He is worthy to be praisedO magnify the LordFor Heis worthy to be praised.Hosannah! blessed be the. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Jesus my Lord He is the mighty King Oh, of everything His name is wonderful Jesus my Lord He’s the Great Shepherd The Rock of all ages Almighty God is He Oh Bow down before Him Oh, and adore Him His name is wonderful Jesus my Lord Oh, Jesus Call Him Jesus Oh my friend He’s my power Oh Jesus Call Him Jesus My Lord Jesus My LordEzekiel 25:17 (Dialogue) Lyrics. Lyrics for he is lord Hillsong - He Is Lord - With Subtitles/Lyrics - This Is Our God DVDAgain the wind is raging But I will not be shaken For I know, who's in control The greater One within me Is more than what's against me He's in control, for I know He'll see me through like before He is Lord, He is Lord I'm not afraid anymore He is Lord, He is Lord The One who holds tomorrow Is calling me to follow Heart and soul, I will go The.